Wednesday, June 3, 2009


‘Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair’ can foremost be described as an experimental film, one which plays with technique, aesthetics and representation. For instance Eames’s iconic fiberglass chairs are artistically presented through a kaleidoscope as well as technically represented through stop-motion cinematography (which effectively produces the appearance of animated chairs dancing in and around the film frame). The film essentially has two parts, with the first showing fast moving images of chairs, objects and materials; and the second part showing Eames’s office, of which projects images dissolving into a sequence of stop-motion shots of Charles and Ray seated in multi-coloured chairs. Chairs first appear in a coded way and then take on a life of their own in that they become animated or mechanised. For instance, we observe the objects assembling themselves, (much like ‘people’), and we have them appear, reappear, self-stack, order and reorder themselves throughout the films sequence. This is all created through the effect of stop-motion cinematography (one aspect of the film which I found to be most interesting). In defining stop motion cinematography, states that it is essentially an ‘effect’ carried out while shooting, in which “the performers stop their motion and the camera is stopped while an object or performer is added to or removed from the scene, with camera movement and action then resumed for the remainder of the scene of which is often used to create an illusion of sudden appearance or disappearance of persons or objects”. Series of objects are broken down into decorative patterns in this short film, and as each frame is spliced against one another what is ultimately produced is frame by frame presentation of still shots, that when filmed in rapid succession gives fluidity to space, time and motion and consequently gives the illusory appearance of movement with the chairs.

Another interesting aspect in ‘Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair’ is its interest in the ‘sublime’, and of sublimity in the domestic space. In Senses of Cinema Jean Epstein’s theory of de-familiarisation and the sublime seems most fitting to my perspective of the presence of the ‘sublime’ in Eames’s film. Epstein notes that in the process of de-familiarisation what occurs is the object of attention seems to change ‘form’ under the steady and cautious gaze of the spectator. Epstein argues that the object “…reveals anew it’s moral character, it’s human and living expression when reproduced cinematically”. Here Epstein’s concept revolved around seeing an everyday occurrence brought to focus through representation, thus drawing attention to those objects or acts that are ordinarily taken for granted because of their associations with the banal (e.g. just like those associations commonly made with office furniture such as the chair). My suggestion here is that the redesigning and re-represented of the chair, of which has been both animated and aesthetically ‘tweaked’ through e.g. experimentation with tonal variations, allow the Eames’s in this film, to illuminate this idea of ‘cinematic representation’ (as one which has the power to elevate the subject or object out of the realm of the banal and ordinary). For instance, although the images of chairs start of in 1950’s and 1960’s primary colours, these are soon dominated by the presence of secondary colours which begin to emerge. These bright colours become interspersed in the sequence highlighting a moment where the ‘domestic’ or past attitudes towards the ‘domestic’ (as a prosaic space) is transformed and portrayed as that which is ‘infinitely transformable’, (for it has now entered the realm of the sublime).

For some reason i am unable to put up my references-- but has the 'stop-motion' defintion, and the Senses of Cinema article entitled "Sublime Moments" has Epsteins quote. My Apologies!


Dziga Vertov can be regarded as a pioneer of Database Cinema, with his film ‘Man with a Movie Camera’ being an earlier representation of this form. The film is shot like a ‘documentary’ (recording and exploring visual phenomena that unfolds before the camera). Furthermore, the structure of the film reflects ‘database cinema’ (in that images of city life are collected, selected and assembled in an un-conventional way, that goes beyond simple human navigation through physical space). We can identify the film as being experimental in form (which implies a certain rigidity, uncertainty exisiting, in regard to shots), and as one which offers an alternative model to narrative, established by the beginning title that states the film as being created “Without a scenario” e.g. which implies that the film does not have any ‘one’ particular location, character or plot, and the film is not ‘scene’ based, (although things still happen in spaces).

From the opening sequence we are provided with a framework for the workings of the film, (that is a tripartite structure based on three orientations of the camera). First we have the man with the camera (cameraman filming material for his film), then images of the ‘recorded’ (shots of an audience watching the completed film in the theatre), and finally that which has been captured on film (the actual film which projects collected shots from street life in Russian cities, which, unlike the first two sections of the film, is structured chronologically, presenting the movement of cities from day to night). I’d like to suggest that what is made most explicit by Vertov’s ‘Man with a Movie Camera’ is the relationship between cinema and everyday life. In this, Vertov’s inclusion of the cinematic apparatus in his sequences supports this idea, and indicates the camera and or the cinema as belonging in the space of the ‘everyday’. Through the Kino-Eye (cinema-eye) he records life as it is (that is, without the presence of the camera), and life unaware (life surprised, provoked and energised by the presence of the camera). Furthermore, through the film we observe Vertov’s interest in the everyday with his artistic inter-splicing of images of visual phenomena e.g. life, death, work, love, birth, movement, happiness, melancholic moments, emergency etc.

Another aspect of the film which is most interesting is its self reflexive nature. It is here that the following screen titles “A record on celluloid in 6 reels” has relevance. This, I would like to suggest, can be interpreted as an instruction for viewers to think toward rather than away from materiality. This highlights the self reflective nature of the film, in that the viewer is now able to identify themselves within the filmmaking process. What can be taken from this is that the film is the archetype of the reflexive mode, for it takes into account the viewer’s knowledge of filmmaking techniques and the editing processes, thereby presenting the cinematic reality as something which exists as separate from our own ( through the camera lens, the ‘Kino-Eye’), but formed from our own. In essence, the film presents itself as a representation of reality rather than actual reality by showing the actual editing process of the film, with editors cutting the film and splicing it together.